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If you’re looking for hard facts about Anguilla, Wikipedia’s entry on the island is remarkably accurate: population (ca. 15,000), dimensions (roughly 91 square miles), status (British Overseas Territory, officially), location (18.2 degrees north, 63 degrees west) are all readily available there. You can even take a look at our flag and play a clip of our anthem, “God Bless Anguilla”, but none of this will make you any wiser of how to buy a house in Anguilla, or even the qualities that make such a proposition so desirable—that kind of insight can only be gained through experience.

Anguilla real estate doesn’t come any better than this: The Cove

Living in Anguilla

Living in Anguilla is like traveling in time to a bygone era of simple luxuries and watertight communities—to days deeply entrenched in a remote and, it must be said, better past—which somehow has been kept alive and remains very much in place in this speck of coral and limestone in the northeast Caribbean. In Anguilla there is no need to worry about traffic jams, and if you have to go to the bank or run some errands you can be certain you’ll be able to park your car right in front of the door. Should you choose to open a business in Anguilla you’ll have good days and bad ones, like anywhere else, but at least you’ll have the privilege of the most relaxing commute in the world.

These are the details that make living in Anguilla so special. Here’s a place with social harmony and low crime rates which blends the essential comforts of the twenty-first century—good connectivity, mobile technology, broadband Internet—with the most liberating aspects of life on the wild side: in Anguilla, sophistication amounts to the right cooking time for a fresh lobster (just from September to April, though the rest of the year is mating season); in Anguilla a turn for the worse in the weather usually refers to a brief downpour, which might ruin your beach day but will replenish your cistern in return; because in Anguilla when you run your shower you’ll be washing your hair with rainwater!

Yes, there’s the beaches, and quite a spectacle they are too, probably among the most beautiful in the world. But that’s just a bonus—albeit a major one—to go with the impeccable quality of the air, the perpetually mild temperatures, the blindingly bright light and correspondingly intense colors, to go, in short, with the largesse of a region that has been blessed with more than its fair share of beauty. Living in Anguilla forces you to place emphasis on intangibles, for what value can be attributed to a fleeting rainbow in the middle of a squall, what to an abrupt midsummer sunset or a carefree amble on a deserted beach under a starry sky? Such is the nature of luxury in a place where the standards of living are measured in terms of quality time for body and soul.

No one ends up living in Anguilla by coincidence: it’s a choice and a conscious decision. It’s also a commitment toward the traditional lifestyle of a small and closely knit community governed by old-fashioned values of respect and solidarity. Anguillans are open and generous, a people used to living outdoor and mainly by day in a social arrangement that fosters interaction, familiarity and ultimately a sense of belonging. For children, the island is almost a purpose-made playground, sand and beach, beach and sand (white powdery sand, that is), both safe and exciting in equal measure, mesmerizingly beautiful and incredibly forgiving. But Anguilla is also tailor made for adults, an island far away from the noise and the confusion of modernity, a refreshing shot of real—analogue—life best had straight up and in copious doses.

Should the lure of the mundane be too strong to resist, Anguilla’s strategic location, just a short flight away from both St. Martin and St. Barth, makes a quick dash for a champagne luncheon in the beautiful Grande-Case or a shopping spree in the fabulous boutiques of Gustavia a genuine and simple possibility. Across the narrow strait a completely different side to the Caribbean beckons open-armed, and the best part of it is that after indulging in a taste of the tropical version of French refinement you can get back in less than ten minutes to “tranquility wrapped in blue,” Anguilla’s ever so appropriate slogan. The fact is that Anguilla sounds too good to be true, so don’t take our word for it—come and see by yourself!

Anguilla sail boat De Chan, sponsored by GUM/KO’s sister company Kobbe Design

Investing in Anguilla: FAQs

Here are answers to some of the most common questions we receive.

Can anyone buy property in Anguilla?
Yes, but any foreign nationals wishing to buy property on the island will have to go through a screening process in order to be granted an Alien Land Holding License. Individuals and developers intending to build from scratch will also need to apply for Planning Permission. GUM/KO and its network of advisors will assist you every step of the way through this process, which usually takes 90 to 120 days.

What documents are required to process my application for an ALHL?You will need a personal reference from someone with close knowledge of your character and a bank reference proving you are able to meet the financial responsibilities entailed by your purchase. You will also need a police record from your habitual place of residence dating back 7 years.

Will I have to pay anything to get an ALHL?
Only the application processing fee of US$400.

Do I need to engage a local lawyer?
Yes, a local advisor is not only desirable but actually a must. GUM/KO International can recommend one of our trusted partners.

My lawyer has entered my application for an ALHL, what next?Patience, mainly. The process will take approximately three months and it will entail an interview with the Minister of Home Affairs, which these days can also be done remotely and will last less than half an hour.

Are there hidden costs involved in buying a house in Anguilla?
Some costs are entailed, though they aren’t really hidden. The most significant cost is connected to the Alien Land Holder’s License and Stamp Duty, which combined stand temporarily at 10% for built property and 11.25% for barren land, down from the regular 17.5% the government has charged traditionally. With the current tax reduction set to expire on 31 December 2024, this is a particularly advantageous to buy a house in Anguilla.

Are there any limitations to buying property in Anguilla?
There are certain limitations: individuals can only purchase ½ an acre of barren land, and building of the approved project must begin within 18 months. Beachfront land is rarely for sale and it can only be purchased for commercial purposes. If you’re looking to buy a house in Anguilla, though, GUM/KO International will get you exactly what you need – we have access to the most beautiful plots of land available on the island.

When am I expected to pay the relevant taxes?
Once you have had your interview with the Minister of Home Affairs your case will be forwarded to the Executive Council for discussion. Once they have approved your application your ALHL will be drafted and signed, allowing you to close the transaction. Before you can take possession of the property you will have to pay all the taxes due as well as the outstanding balance of your purchase.

How much will building my house cost?
Well, how long is a piece of string? It really depends on your specifications but one thing is certain: building in Anguilla isn’t cheap. As a general rule you should calculate construction costs at approximately US $350/sq ft. You should also bear in mind that budgets are more often than not overshot in Anguilla. A productive approach is to aim to keep the overflow to a minimum, rather than prevent it altogether.

What happens if my project isn’t completed within the stipulated time?Every buyer of undeveloped land will have to meet with representatives of the Government of Anguilla (GOA) to have their development plan approved. Part of this process involves GOA stipulating a period – typically 36 months – within which the construction should be finished. In order to enforce this condition GOA will also demand a 10% refundable deposit from the buyer at the time of closing. If the approved project exceeds the agreed construction period GOA will charge a monthly EC$500 penalty fee until the project is finished.

Can I establish a company in Anguilla and rent out my property?
The simple answer is yes. There is a protocol to be followed, including establishing the company through a local lawyer and procuring the relevant license. GUM/KO and its network of advisors can assist you in this process.

What is my status on the island once I own a property?
Once you buy a property in Anguilla an 11-month resident visa is automatically issued on your name. The visa must be renewed upon expiry. Currently the renewal process does not incur a fee.

Will I become an Anguillian citizen if I buy property?
No, currently Anguilla does not offer citizenship by investment. There is, however, a Residence by Investment program called Select Anguilla which allows participants to declare the island as their Tax Residence or their Primary Place of Residence.

How can I profit from Anguilla’s Tax Residence program?
In order to qualify to the Tax Residence program you must purchase and maintain a property worth in excess of US$400,000 and pay the Treasury of Anguilla a flat income tax rate of US$75,000 annually. Anyone wishing to participate in this program must spend a minimum of 45 days per year in Anguilla and cannot spend more than 183 days per year in any single other country.

What are the requirements for the Permanent Residence program?There are two paths towards obtaining permanent resident status in Anguilla, either through a one-time contribution of at least US$150,000 to the island’s Capital Development Fund, or through the acquisition of real estate valued at a minimum of US$750,000.  If you choose the real estate route the main applicant has the right to extend the permanent resident status to up to three members of their family. Additional dependents can be added to the scheme at an additional investment value of US$100,000. Meanwhile, the single contribution path is valid only for the main applicant but their spouse and/or dependants can be brought into the fold with a further investment of US$50,000 per person.

Will I incur any additional costs with my application for Tax Residence or Permanent Residence?
Primarily there is a due diligence fee of US$7,500 per adult and US$2,500 per child over 12 years old to be paid regardless of the outcome of the application. An administrative fee of US$3,000 will also be charged for processing the application of a family of up to four members. Additional members incur a charge of US$500 per person.